Blog Post 6 Kahne Westheimer
Quote 1 - "He argued for the creation of 'Miniature communities' in which students would work together to identify and respond to problems they confronted.'
I really don't like this idea. If we learned anything from human history it is that people when they are separated and are looked at as different promote]es hate and even war. Humans love war based off history. This is obviously on a different scale than in class but if this takes place in a classroom all I can see is a divided class. The idea off group work is very nice and cool because you get too look at things from other people point of view. I do not like the idea of maybe making the classroom like different communities. I don't know how long the community would last , say the whole year. Wouldn't it turn like the world now? Say by towns. I would be more opt to talk to people in my community or my town. I don't think that students values and beliefs would benefit from this idea. Dewey and I obviously have different views on this.
Quote 2 -"They stress the importance of civic duty and the need for responsive citizens."
Quote 3 - "They call tor a curriculum that emphasizes critical reflection about social policies and conditions, the acquisition of skills of political participation, and the formation of social bonds."
This is the second part of the moral domain. Critical reflections and actually using your mind and thinking is very important. It allows you to make educated choices. When we talk about social policies and conditions, one of the best things is that we all can voice our opinions and critically think to make better outcomes or better future plans. Politically it is also very important to participate because we are so essential in our own communities. I think the moral domain is a very good thing to educate students on. There is a very good outcome with this idea of teaching, it can prepare students for the future and educate them in a school way also. Very intriguing ideas.