Monday, April 29, 2019

Zac Guglielmo

Pecha Kucha

Link -

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Zac Guglielmo
Blog Post 10
Ted Talk
Matt Beane: How do we learn to work with intelligent machines

Discussion -

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 During this ted talk Matt talks about the transformation from old school, hands on surgery, to the current robotic types of surgery. He talks about the benefits of accuracy and how perfect the machine can perform and he also talks about how it isn't allowing our surgeons to master their craft. The head doctor wasn't allowing his assistant, Kristen to do any work. 6 menthe before she was doing more work than the head surgeon. The robots are taking over the industry and not allowing the woman who did many years at prestiges med schools to not apply her learning. The saying with doctors is" See one, do one , teach one." In my eyes this can relate right back to schooling and the equation systems. As much as technology can help students learn and help revolutionize the industry, it has its flaws also.What happened to text book, finger on the pages learning. The comprehensive learning. Not so much with robots but with technology in this case, I know when I go on my laptop I am doing 60% school work and 40% whatever I want. We are not being forced to learn subject, we have everything at t\our fingertips with google and the internet. Education should be utilized in person, through books, through the teachers knowledge. Is many times you see teacher pulling from other people for worksheets and readings. As much as thats fine I can see how its negative. We live in a new era and a new world than we did 10,20,30 years ago and It shows. It is helping us for the better and the worse but I honestly don't know which one is winning and that is kind of scary.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Image result for patience pictureZac Guglielmo
Blog Post 9

Quotes -

Quote 1 - "[Community] requires a willingness to see people as they are-different perhaps in their minds and in their bodies, but not different in their spirits or in their willingness and ability to contribute to the mosaic of society."

I believe that the whole world needs to feel this way and have this way of thinking. The world has changed so much and some for the better and some for the worse, one constant negative about the world is how everything people do is judged. People always tend to judge who someone is from the outside but you don't see people getting to know someone and then judge who they are based off of them as a person and what they stand for. Everyone who has gotten to know someone can probably vouch for me that people are not always easy to get to know and people are not the most prone to just eating someone in their lives. When you get to know someone you really get to see who they are as a person , not just how they are on their appearance.

Image result for individuality picturesQuote 2 - "Along with recognizing an individual's ability to think, Bogdan and Taylor (1989) suggest that respect and citizenship require a realization of the person's individuality."

I believe this quote 50/50. A lot of teaching is about an individuals ability to retain information and to  apply his learning to class work or real world events. The other half is that everyone is different and you cannot just assume that everyone is going to learn the same. Learning is based a lot on an individuals individuality. Who is that person, what have they been through, what is their mindset and opinions? I think that it is a lot harder than we think when it comes to teaching because every single student is different and has a different learning capability.

Quote 3 - "The affective atmosphere of a participatory classroom also aims for a productive relationship between patience and impatience."

When it comes to a good learning environment the ability for a student and teacher to respect each other is tremendous. This is very apparent through someones amount of patience. They have to Respect one another to know when to talk , when to listen. Patience and impatience is huge, if=t is the building blocks of a good relationship and a good school environment. You cannot learn when someone is just talking out and not helping the cause. Everyone gets a chance to talk and everyone has a chance to listen.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Zac Guglielmo
Blog Post 8
SL project

Monday, April 1, 2019

Zac Guglielmo
Blog Post 7
The Problem we all live with
Image result for DISCRIMINATION


Throughout this pod cast there are some very sickening themes and they are all mostly due to white supremacy and whites thinking that they're all that matters. For instance right off the bat they speak about how better test scores, better literacy teachings, better teachers, a better principal and how implementing and adding courses that count as college credits will help all students. While yes some of this is true, they missed the whole point. Every time I hear a school talk about getting it better its things like these, they just never end up working wither. There was a way bigger problem in the equation during this time period though. Blacks education was awful and the fact that they needed the  exposure to white schools was fascinating. I never really thought about that, as a white male I never dealt with this issue because my school though primarily white , had many races and ethnicities. I never though that my school had better things than another school, therefore making my education easier. Its something taken for granted for me and I'm sure for all of us white students. When they said the test scores I was baffled swell, 39% worse! thats a crazy statistic, and simply having blacks go to white schools dropped the scores to only 18% worse. Its something that we definitely take for granted.  Something else mind blowing is that later on in the talk the white parents talked about how because blacks want better education its racist of them, Its racist because they think that whites get better education. Some things art racists its more  facts. I don't know how anyone could deal with that stress as parent, you know someone who is the same age and just because they have different color skin they get such a head start in life. This talk really opened my eyes because I never knew how bad blacks in education had it and Im sure in some areas still have it. Hearing it from people who know what they're talking about and experienced things first hand makes it all the better. The pod cast really shows me at least that there is a way greater issue, or at least was, than getting a better test score or better overall education. Its more of get everyone equal and on the same page and then maybe yes they can worry about test scores and better teachers. Throwing something as major as not even equal education out of the window speaks volume.Image result for DISCRIMINATION

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Image result for civil dutyZac Guglielmo
Blog Post 6 Kahne Westheimer


Quote 1 - "He argued for the creation of 'Miniature communities' in which students would work together to identify and respond to problems they confronted.'

I really don't like this idea. If we learned anything from human history it is that people when they are separated and are looked at as different promote]es hate and even war. Humans love war based off history. This is obviously on a different scale than in class but if this takes place in a classroom all I can see is a divided class. The idea off group work is very nice and cool because you get too look at things from other people point of view. I do not like the idea of maybe making the classroom like different communities. I don't know how long the community would last , say the whole year. Wouldn't it turn like the world now? Say by towns. I would be more opt to talk to people in my community or my town. I don't think that students values and beliefs would benefit from this idea. Dewey and I obviously have different views on this.

Quote 2 -"They stress the importance of civic duty and the need for responsive citizens."

Image result for civil dutyI agree with this heavily. This is part 1 of the way of the moral domain. I think even in our society it is very important to be active in our communities and to voice our opinions. The idea of civic duty is also extremely important. As you can see in our world when you're called upon to go to a court and be part of a trial then you are sometimes unwilling to but you are helping out your community and you are also taking in part and exercising your rights. Responsive citizens are also hugely important. Change doesn't just happen , it happens from others ideas and others willingness to follow through with their ideas.
Quote 3 - "They call tor a curriculum that emphasizes critical reflection about social policies and conditions, the acquisition of skills of political participation, and the formation of social bonds."

This is the second part of the moral domain. Critical reflections and actually using your mind and thinking is very important. It allows you to make educated choices. When we talk about social policies and conditions, one of the best things is that we all can voice our opinions and critically think to make better outcomes or better future plans. Politically it is also very important to participate because we are so essential in our own communities. I think the moral domain is a very good thing to educate students on. There is a very good outcome with this idea of teaching, it can prepare students for the future and educate them in a school way also. Very intriguing ideas.

Zac Guglielmo
Image result for lgbtBlog Post 5

Discussion -

Image result for lgbtThroughout the curriculum theme that was going on early on in. this reading I found it quite redundant that there should be some kind of LGBT involvement. I would like to see how others feel about this subject. I personally feel that there shouldn't be any kind of LGBT teaching in early education , not because the children shouldn't get to understand it, more of the spect that it is to young of a group. I believe that when younger children are experiencing things such as sex education or reading articles and something comes up, I think that heterosexual and homosexual relationships or themes are the only ones that should be allowed. I believe more of the transgender, bisexual and other genders should be learned away from school. I don't look at school as teaching me about gender, thats society in my opinion. I believe in LGBT but I don't like the forcing of it in a curriculum. Naturally learning about things are sometimes better than learning about them in school.I remember when I was in school as a younger boy I only learned about heterosexual relationships, I saw a man and a woman together and saw it as normal. Now in the world there is so much going on with different genders and people can choose what they want but I think now a days in school heterosexual and homosexual should be the basis. Homosexual relationships have become so much more accepted even in the time since I was younger and that is the only reason why I think it should be learned about.Another point that is Brough up is language and how someone said the word "gay". I believe that language is language and you can say whatever you want within certain. boundaries. Never would I say it is okay to call someone gay if there homosexual, I think that if its used in a harmless matter there shouldn't be any penalty. I am very guilty of these things. I use the word "gay" not in a derogatory word but like oh thats gay. I don't think its more opt that a homosexual will do something but I substitute that word in for the word stupid or dumb or annoying. I think people cant take things so personal and be so critical about things. Also I am confused with the aspect of good intentions art enough. When you say that you are hoping people act perfectly. That is impossible. I think good intentions are most of the time enough. You cant expect someone who hasn't experienced some of these issues to act like someone who did. Word choice os greatly influenced by upbringing and personal experience. If I am gay then im sure I wouldn't be calling something that is a physical object gay. Its all in the intentions. You can tell when someone is deliberately going out tom hurt you or just using the word. I think all in all that people cannot take things so personally and to the heart. The LGBT community is in safe hands , I just think they need to believe it. When you take things to far and have so many restrictions then I think any social group will feel unsafe. Its important to respect others but also for others to respect there is more than 1 way to view things.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Zac Guglielmo
Image result for change cartoonFNED Blog Post 4



Quote 1- "There should be more people of color in these white-on-white wedding cake tales"

I strongly disagree with this quote.It can come off wrong me disagreeing with this but I personally feel that stories that were written with white leads or black leads or Spanish leads should always stay that way. If its a created concept and the writer makes it universal and says that then it is fine for any race to have that lead. Cinderella was written as a white blonde woman, I think that it should always stay that way. Not by any sort of racism or discrimination but just how the story was supposed to be told. If a movie is made about Rosa Parks then the actor of Rosa parks would never be a white female. Very different examples but they follow the same concept. Fighting for equality is very important but I think on the way to equality you cannot make everything so soft and change so much. How things are originally created should stay that way and thats why I strongly disagree with this.
Quote 2- "She shows us how to turn the mirror into an enemy"

Image result for cinderellaI cannot agree with this more. The fact of social media or in this case tinker bell looking in the mirror and seeing negativity makes her look at herself negatively. It isn't fair. So many females want to have perfect bodies and be perfect in every way but that isn't reality. The portrayal of models on social media or magazines or movies is awful.The amount of makeup worn, photo cropping and fairness is baffling. It leads to people starving themselves or killing themselves or making life changing decisions yo try and fit in.I am sure its awesome to be that perfect person but you cant try to obtain something that isn't truly you.If you go out of your way to be a different you than you're ruining the real you in the process. It is very sad. For men in a much less concentration there is the same things. Not all men will have a six pack and be ripped. If you try to do that and succeed good for you but people shouldn't judge you because you don't look like the rock. Social media is the root of this evil.

Quote 3- "I don't want my students to think that change can be bought at the mall"

This is something very relevant in todays world. People think that they literally can go and buy change, whether it be at the mall, the car dealership or a jewelry place.People need to manufacture change in their own lives and that takes a very long time.Going on a diet for 9 months manufactures change in a lifestyle, grinding in school for years changes your life because you can get a better paying job, having children can change your life because you become a parent. Changes in life don't happen often, purchases are not. change. People can try and fit in with purchases but that won't necessarily change anything. Everything good has to be worked for and things that you work for are usually things you don't like right now and need to change. It is alike a big circle and money and purchasing Isn't very important in the big circle.Change cant be bought, but it can be attained by hardworking and dedication.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Zac Guglielmo
Blog post 3


Quotes 1- "My mother! My father'! After English became my primary language, I no
longer knew what words to use in addressing my parents."

This is so sad, I don't know how I would feel if this happened to me. I believe that this is completely wrong by the people who are telling these kids and the society of people who are bilingual and speak different languages at their homes to stop speaking anything but English. I think that stripping someone down of heritage and stripping them down of their own identity is completely ignorant and awful.If that happened to me I wouldn't know how to act, I couldn't even communicate with my parents. Its something that we need to respect as people and a country as a whole. I know many people who will say this is America speak English. This is America, land of immigrants, speaking multiple languages is no problem. Teaching the common tongue in school is normal but trying to strip someone of who they are is unacceptable.

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Quote 2 - "The silence at home, however, was finally more than a literal silence."

This quote is another quote that I find sad, the silence at the home began to really become prevalent. Spanish roots were cut and the communication was no longer there, family was being lost. Without communication people don't interact. In this the people weren't speaking Spanish to their parents and that led to much more than just a silence of words. I am a very close person with my family and I would be significantly hurt if someone made me lose my connection with my parents. Its still there with the love but not being able to even have a conversation must really be terrible.


 I think in class we should talk about what it would mean to us if we had lost our capabilities to speak to our parents. Who would we be mad at? who would be at blame? As a child you dolt have many outlets to help you learn the language you're losing. I would personally hate the education system because if they made me lose that connection then they couldn't be forgiven. It is something that many of us probably haven't experienced, and I hope no-one has, but there are cases I am sure that people lost connection with family through language barriers. It would be cool seeing everyones take on this matter and what people think is wrong. How can we fix it and what solutions are there to help promote more youth learning English and their native tongue.
Image result for mott havenZac Guglielmo
Blog post  2

Discussion in class


I think that a great discussion point in class would be why do we think that Mott Haven is like this. Is there people who think the place is burdened with long term effects of their history or is it something simpler like lack of want to change. My personal opinion is both, I think people need to try harder to get out pf their situations their in but also its tough because when for generations before the only way of making money was selling drugs and being a prostitute then it is normal to follow in footsteps, even if those footsteps art great ones. I think that when you break it down it is obviously much more intense and a lot more factors but there is always different views.

I like how in class we discussed that the institute and individual are both at fault but one is hard to see if you're looking through a one way "lens". Its an argument that won't be settled because the institute promotes different things and the majority if the time the institute handcuffs the individual and makes their decisions bad or worse. Who wouldn't turn to drugs or sell their bodies to put food on the table for their children, at fault is definitely the individual but the bad promotion and lack there of help from the institute is also a massive fault for these results.

Kozol really shows us how awful Mott haven is. Imagine cockroaches and rats and no heat, sweating because no air conditioning. Everyone knows someone who has HIV and so many people on drugs. It is a very sad community and it needs help to become normal again. The impossible part if finding enough people outside of the community to actually care enough to promote change.

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Zac Guglielmo
Blog Post 1



Quote1 - “We have never been a nation of haves and have-nots"

This was the first line of kristof's piece and I strongly disagree with what he is saying. If you look at society as a whole we are essentially a country of have and have nots. Like we talk about in class all the time, institutional backlash is thethe individual cannot escape some situations. Not all situationsbut more often than not people are stuck in whatever class they'reborn into and thats a proven fact. A country of have and have nots is what we are, there are privileged wealthy people , middle class and then the lesser fortunate.Not everyone can be a have whether we like it or not but I think him saying this is ignorance and uneducated.

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Quote 2- "Remember that disadvantage is less about income than environment"

I strongly agree with this quote because if you are born in a poor area and a place that there isn't much then I believe you can make a ton of money but not always escape out. I think that the burden of not being privilegd will always be on your shoulders. A wealthy black man will always be looked at differently by a racist, a female business owner won'tget a nod from a wealthy male business owner. I think the environment stands for more than just where you're raised but the work we live in and our social norms.Income can help in ways but you're usually always known for who you are , not for the number in your bank account.

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Quote 3- " They grow up not in a “land of opportunity,” but in the kind of socially rigid hierarchies that our ancestors fled, the kind of society in which your outcome is largely determined by your beginning."

I agree with this also. It is relevant to the second quote because it is saying that the you are a product mostly of how you're raised and where you're raised. If you're raised in a wealthy family you're more opt to find yourself in a wealthy family in the future, freak cases you can break through your class barriers but people who start financially privileged in the beginning of their lives are definitely more opt to have better futures.

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