Zac Guglielmo

Blog Post 5
Discussion -

Throughout the curriculum theme that was going on early on in. this reading I found it quite redundant that there should be some kind of LGBT involvement. I would like to see how others feel about this subject. I personally feel that there shouldn't be any kind of LGBT teaching in early education , not because the children shouldn't get to understand it, more of the spect that it is to young of a group. I believe that when younger children are experiencing things such as sex education or reading articles and something comes up, I think that heterosexual and homosexual relationships or themes are the only ones that should be allowed. I believe more of the transgender, bisexual and other genders should be learned away from school. I don't look at school as teaching me about gender, thats society in my opinion. I believe in LGBT but I don't like the forcing of it in a curriculum. Naturally learning about things are sometimes better than learning about them in school.I remember when I was in school as a younger boy I only learned about heterosexual relationships, I saw a man and a woman together and saw it as normal. Now in the world there is so much going on with different genders and people can choose what they want but I think now a days in school heterosexual and homosexual should be the basis. Homosexual relationships have become so much more accepted even in the time since I was younger and that is the only reason why I think it should be learned about.Another point that is Brough up is language and how someone said the word "gay". I believe that language is language and you can say whatever you want within certain. boundaries. Never would I say it is okay to call someone gay if there homosexual, I think that if its used in a harmless matter there shouldn't be any penalty. I am very guilty of these things. I use the word "gay" not in a derogatory word but like oh thats gay. I don't think its more opt that a homosexual will do something but I substitute that word in for the word stupid or dumb or annoying. I think people cant take things so personal and be so critical about things. Also I am confused with the aspect of good intentions art enough. When you say that you are hoping people act perfectly. That is impossible. I think good intentions are most of the time enough. You cant expect someone who hasn't experienced some of these issues to act like someone who did. Word choice os greatly influenced by upbringing and personal experience. If I am gay then im sure I wouldn't be calling something that is a physical object gay. Its all in the intentions. You can tell when someone is deliberately going out tom hurt you or just using the word. I think all in all that people cannot take things so personally and to the heart. The LGBT community is in safe hands , I just think they need to believe it. When you take things to far and have so many restrictions then I think any social group will feel unsafe. Its important to respect others but also for others to respect there is more than 1 way to view things.
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