Blog post 3

Quotes 1- "My mother! My father'! After English became my primary language, I no
longer knew what words to use in addressing my parents."
This is so sad, I don't know how I would feel if this happened to me. I believe that this is completely wrong by the people who are telling these kids and the society of people who are bilingual and speak different languages at their homes to stop speaking anything but English. I think that stripping someone down of heritage and stripping them down of their own identity is completely ignorant and awful.If that happened to me I wouldn't know how to act, I couldn't even communicate with my parents. Its something that we need to respect as people and a country as a whole. I know many people who will say this is America speak English. This is America, land of immigrants, speaking multiple languages is no problem. Teaching the common tongue in school is normal but trying to strip someone of who they are is unacceptable.

Quote 2 - "The silence at home, however, was finally more than a literal silence."
This quote is another quote that I find sad, the silence at the home began to really become prevalent. Spanish roots were cut and the communication was no longer there, family was being lost. Without communication people don't interact. In this the people weren't speaking Spanish to their parents and that led to much more than just a silence of words. I am a very close person with my family and I would be significantly hurt if someone made me lose my connection with my parents. Its still there with the love but not being able to even have a conversation must really be terrible.
I think in class we should talk about what it would mean to us if we had lost our capabilities to speak to our parents. Who would we be mad at? who would be at blame? As a child you dolt have many outlets to help you learn the language you're losing. I would personally hate the education system because if they made me lose that connection then they couldn't be forgiven. It is something that many of us probably haven't experienced, and I hope no-one has, but there are cases I am sure that people lost connection with family through language barriers. It would be cool seeing everyones take on this matter and what people think is wrong. How can we fix it and what solutions are there to help promote more youth learning English and their native tongue.
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