Blog post 2
Discussion in class
I think that a great discussion point in class would be why do we think that Mott Haven is like this. Is there people who think the place is burdened with long term effects of their history or is it something simpler like lack of want to change. My personal opinion is both, I think people need to try harder to get out pf their situations their in but also its tough because when for generations before the only way of making money was selling drugs and being a prostitute then it is normal to follow in footsteps, even if those footsteps art great ones. I think that when you break it down it is obviously much more intense and a lot more factors but there is always different views.
I like how in class we discussed that the institute and individual are both at fault but one is hard to see if you're looking through a one way "lens". Its an argument that won't be settled because the institute promotes different things and the majority if the time the institute handcuffs the individual and makes their decisions bad or worse. Who wouldn't turn to drugs or sell their bodies to put food on the table for their children, at fault is definitely the individual but the bad promotion and lack there of help from the institute is also a massive fault for these results.
Kozol really shows us how awful Mott haven is. Imagine cockroaches and rats and no heat, sweating because no air conditioning. Everyone knows someone who has HIV and so many people on drugs. It is a very sad community and it needs help to become normal again. The impossible part if finding enough people outside of the community to actually care enough to promote change.

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